Thursday, November 7, 2013

Melody of Music - Oil and Acrylic (Sept 2013)

Actually , I have no idea what I did, lol~
This image appears in my dream one night,
and I try to paint it out
by using oil and acrylic on canvas.
I am not satisfied with the smoothness of the texture and line.
The paint is made in China, a lot of impurities,
stuck in my tools,
I can hardly squeeze it out,
  the outcome doesn't turn out as my expectation,
but very fun when I was doing this, seems like making cake.
will try different ways next time. 

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Guitar -- Oil Painting

Guitar modern abstract
Done last month , first try...
quite satisfied with the effect, 
especially some corners that I reserved, 
leave it colorless to create some dimensions   
Guess how many guitars inside the painting ? :)

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Art Expo Malaysia 2013

China Artist Lion Dance 1

China Artist Lion Dance 2

Palm fruits from Malaysia Artist
My mentor-- Mr.Yeo 

Represented Malaysia
Mixed media



Represented Singapore

Represented Singapore

Cultural Exchange #1- Oil on canvas 
Swansi Waeng from Indonesia

Close up 

Kim Minkyoung from South Korea
Media--- Lambda print, diasec, FRP

Zi Peng from China
Oil on canvas

The Auctionland - Mixed acrylic and bitumen on canvas
Hamir Sorib representing Malaysia


Represented Italy 

High Kitty Oil on canvas 80cmX80cm
Luca Idili from Italy

China Artist


Represent Iran


Cherry Blossom -Acrylic on canvas
Lieu Nguyen Huong Duong from Vietnam 

Crazy People 
Bui Thanh Tam from Vietnam

China Artist- Sanzi

China Artist- Sanzi

Iron Goat 3- Metal
Suhaidi Razi from Malaysia


City Landscape -Kuala Lumpur #2 Oil & Acrylic on canvas
Jansen Chow from Malaysia

Moon Light Garden #3
Ahmad Fauzi Arshad from Malaysia

Represented Colombia

Jesus Curia- Bronze
From Spain

A Bumper Harvest- Bronze
Chen Jinqing from Chia

Buddhi Series #2- Bronze 

Malaysia Artist

Malaysia Artist too